Typical Distortion

by Ken Ham

We have become accustomed to all sorts of secular bloggers (and even some Christian bloggers) misrepresenting the Creation Museum or Answers in Genesis. Here is just another terrible example. This person wrote the headline, "10 Creepiest Displays At The Creationist Museum,” which links to AiG’s Creation Museum.

What this person did was to feature 10 photographs supposedly from the Creation Museum. Well, six are from the Creation Museum, and then there are four that are not! I don’t know where the other four came from—they totally misrepresent the museum—but it is just another example of those who don’t tell the truth in their failed attempts at satire in attacking the Creation Museum. I cannot post the link due to the bad language and other content items on that website, but here are the four photos:

And of course there is no context given for the six photographs that are actually of exhibits at AiG’s Creation Museum. Such context is important. For instance one of the photographs gives examples of death, pain, and catastrophe; however, what’s not explained is the context of the “Cave of Sorrows.” This exhibit helps people understand that the death, pain, and catastrophe experienced in this world are the result of sin, and this is not how God made everything when He said the creation was “‘very good.”

Responding to an Old Earther

Wednesday, I responded to an old earther who graciously commented on one of my blogs. This blogger commented again yesterday, and I thought a little back and forth would actually be healthy in regard to discussing the issues of the age of the earth and Christians who believe in millions of years. The blogger stated the following yesterday:

I have a strong desire that the unity we have in Christ will be stronger than our differences over secondary matters, however important those secondary matters might be to us. I really do believe that AiG is wrong in its interpretation of Scripture and its forcing of that interpretation on Earth history. I try to be careful in how I write about these matters on this blog, knowing that these are my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I will be bold and blunt at times, but I hope to always do so in love.

And, sorry Ken, but I’m not on the verge of becoming a young-Earth creationist. Yes, I am fallible, and science is fallible. Our understanding of the Scriptures is also subject to human fallibility. As it says in the first chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith:

All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear unto all: yet those things which are necessary to be known, believed, and observed for salvation are so clearly propounded, and opened in some place of Scripture or other, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due use of the ordinary means, may attain unto a sufficient understanding of them. [link]

The gospel is crystal clear in the Bible. Things like the age of the Earth, the extent and work of the flood, and limits on biological change, are not quite so easy to sort out.

In responding to some of the comments above, I would like to challenge people’s thinking concerning Christians believing in millions of years:

  1. The Bible in Genesis 3:18 states clearly that thorns would come forth because of the Curse (as a result of sin), yet there are many examples of thorns in the fossil record supposedly in existence millions of years before man and his Fall.
  2. The Bible in Genesis 1:30 clearly declares that when God made the animals, they ate plants, yet there are many examples from the fossil record of animals eating other animals (bones found in stomachs, teeth marks on bones, etc.) supposedly millions of years before man (before sin).
  3. The Bible in Genesis 1:31 states clearly that when God created everything, it was ”very good.” If millions of years of fossils in the ground existed at that time, then God describes cancer, arthritis, and brain tumors as “very good,” as such things exist in the fossil record supposedly millions of years before man.
  4. Exodus 20:11 states the obvious interpretation of the days of creation; they were ordinary days (approx. 24 hours each): “In six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and all that in them is. . . ” (Emphasis mine). In Genesis 1, each of the six days is qualified by evening, morning, and a number—contextually meaning they were six approximately 24-hour creation days, which is confirmed by the two leading Hebrew Lexicons (Brown Driver Briggs and Kohler Baumgartner). This is the basis for the seven-day week.

What I am saying is that if one starts with Scripture alone (as the Westminster confession would insist by the way), then believing in millions of years is in direct conflict with many of the plain statements of God’s Word.

There are of course many other examples. Now, it is true that details about many things are not given in Scripture, which is why we build models on what Scripture clearly does state. Models are always subject to change, but the clear words of Scripture are not subject to change nor are they subject to our reinterpretation based on man’s ideas from outside of God’s Word.

You can read the old earther’s blog post here: http://geochristian.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/the-geochristian-on-ken-hams-blog/

AiG Conference in West Virginia

Tomorrow and Sunday, I will be speaking in Charleston, West Virginia.


Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified

(Matthew 26:2) You know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.

We worship the Lord Jesus Christ because He came to be our final Passover Lamb and save us by his sinless blood that diverted the wrath of God from us to Him.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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