Evangelism—That’s What It’s All About

by Ken Ham

Many who have visited the Creation Museum have told us how pleasantly surprised they were at the evangelistic nature of the Creation Museum. In fact, the entire AiG ministry and the coming Ark Encounter are all directed to an evangelistic emphasis. As I often say, “there is no point in just converting people to be creationists—creationists will end up separated from God for ever like an atheist, if they don’t trust in the Lord for salvation.” We have received many exciting testimonies of people being saved as a result of the AiG and Creation Museum ministries. The following testimony was received last week from a ministry friend—we rejoice, and we know the angels rejoice in Heaven:

Last spring we had eleven kids from our local neighborhood just show up at our church on their own. Representing four families, they are all related by kin or marriage, and came to us distraught by their parents’ goings on.  They are all also un-churched. We immediately started teaching them basic apologetics using AiG materials. Then, during the course of AiG’s “Gold Rush” Vacation Bible School (VBS) program, three of them made professions of faith!

The kids have become quite an attachment to our church, and a source of great blessing -- and often concern [because of ongoing issues with parents] The oldest is a 12-year-old boy who is continually bringing a new friend or cousin because our “church is so cool”. (Which we aren’t, but he is!)

Following VBS, we shifted into the “Answers for Kids” curriculum, which they love. It is so very rich in sound doctrine. Even though they seemed to be lapping up what we were teaching them, it was evident that their negligible biblical background gave them only a few “pegs” on which to hang everything they were learning. So we organized a trip to the Creation Museum, and, in order to maximize the experience, we scheduled it for the Sunday and Monday of Labor Day weekend, with a campout on Sunday night.

At the campground we met a Christian couple who are actually living there. The husband is a finish carpenter by trade and his wife is disabled. As a result of the economy, they have lost their home and shop and are reduced, materially, to their camper and pick-up truck. They were thrilled with our plans for taking the kids to the museum, and I offered to leave our guest passes with them on our way home on Monday. They had never been, and such a trip is a definite luxury for their budget.

Although they were timid about accepting the use of our passes, by the time we stopped back by on Monday evening, Terry had a gleam in his eye as he had pondered using the passes to take lost people he knew. Long story short, in the three weeks they kept the passes, they took 23 people to the museum, and three of those received Christ!

I praise God for AiG and the Creation Museum and all the related resources that enable people to effectively share the gospel. I pray for you and Ken and the  ministries regularly. May God ever prosper and protect you.

– D.B., Kentucky

In Malaysia

Today Mally and I arrived in Malaysia where I will speak at the All-Asian Creation Conference. Please be in prayer as I give keynote addresses to hundreds of Christian leaders from across Asia on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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