Mary Mohler to Speak at AiG Women’s Conference

by Ken Ham

I praise the Lord that AiG speaker and researcher Dr. Georgia Purdom has a special burden to reach women with the truth of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. Once again this year, Dr. Purdom is conducting  an “Answers for Women” conference in Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum. Dr. Purdom wrote the following on her blog:

We are so pleased to have Mary Mohler returning this year to present at the Answers for Women conference. Mary is the wife of Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. She is the founder and director of Seminary Wives Institute, an academic program for student wives at Southern Seminary and Boyce College. However, her favorite roles are those of wife and mother. I asked Mary to give us some insight into her presentations for this year’s conference.
Modeling Modesty

Do you think of the virtue of modesty as an outdated, Victorian notion? Apparently, many women do. Modesty in dress for us as Christian women is an indication of our seriousness in showing the world and our fellow believers that we seek to be holy in all that we do. Join us for this seminar as we explore what the uphill battle to model modesty looks like in 2013 in light of steadfast Biblical mandates. We will seek to discover what the motivation is behind the abandonment of modesty that seems to be so prevalent even among believers and how to teach our daughters to go against the tide and embrace modesty for all the right reasons.

Embracing God’s Plan for Marriage in a World That Makes Up Its Own Rules

“Submission, are you serious? Don’t you know that you don’t have to be a doormat anymore?” Questions like these are too often the norm as an outraged society questions how women can voluntarily sign on for a marriage based on complementarianism, including male headship. However, these same people do not seem to be outraged at Scripture’s lofty command to husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church and gave His life for them. God’s plan is best now just as it was when the Holy Spirit inspired the authors to pen the words of Scripture over 2,000 years ago. Let’s have an honest discussion about God’s blueprint for marriage and be reminded that we simply cannot improve upon His perfect plan.

Mary’s presentations were well-liked at last year’s women’s conference and are always biblically sound and practical. Whether we are young or old, single or married, a parent or not, the issues presented at Answers for Women are relevant for our lives as we seek to be godly women in an ungodly society.

Here are just a few comments we received about last year’s conference:

Mary Mohler—very energetic, would like to hear more from her.

Can’t wait for the next one.

I can’t thank you enough for a wonderful time of encouragement and equipping me.  This conference was great! I laughed, cried, and grew in faith and love of the Lord! …

To register for the 2013 Answers for Women conference, go to

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!

Darwin Day

Today many evolutionists are celebrating the birthday of Charles Darwin (born 1809). One way that will often get a zealous Darwinist very angry is to point out the racist beliefs of Darwin. Click here to read our web article on Darwin and racism—and also watch a short video clip of me discussing his book The Descent of Man.

Of course, the Bible teaches that the Creator God made all people in His image. Each one of us today is a descendant of Adam, “the first man” (1 Corinthians 15:45), and Eve, “the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). The book of Acts confirms that God “has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). So there is just one race: the human race. Whichever people group you belong to, you have inherited something from Adam—a sin nature. But God has provided His Son to save us, with an offer of salvation for those who repent and have faith in the Son.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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