“The Ecology Book”—Another Great Resource for Families!

by Ken Ham

Our online bookstore is carrying a brand new, biblically based resource for teaching children about God’s creation. The Ecology Book by Tom Hennigan and Jean Lightner is a great addition to the Wonders of Creation curriculum series available in our webstore.

The Ecology Book

This series is great for homeschooling families—and it can be used for 5th–11th grade! Here is how The Ecology Book was described to me: “In the new Ecology Book, your students will be given a fuller understanding of biblical stewardship and how to practice it. What’s more, as your students work through The Ecology Book, they’ll develop wonder at all the incredible ecological systems in creation.”

The Ecology Book is designed so that students read sections and complete activities according to their grade levels. They learn important words and concepts related to ecology, and they study ecological issues and environmental concerns today—all from the biblical perspective!

The most important part of this series is that students are shown how creation declares the glory of God. The authors teach an understanding of the world as designed by God, not as a series of random evolutionary accidents. Your students will learn in The Ecology Book that the world is a wondrous system of organisms created to support one another.

If you want your children to learn about the world from the perspective of biblical creation, from authors who take God at His Word, I encourage you to check out The Ecology Book and the rest of the Wonders of Creation series at AnswersBookstore.com.

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