So Burdened About Christian Colleges

by Ken Ham

I am so burdened when I think of the thousands and thousands of students who attend Christian colleges like Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan—students who are being influenced at such schools to undermine the authority of Scripture in many ways, starting with the Bible’s first book.

Take this announcement on the Calvin College website about an upcoming seminar in June, which is titled “Equipping the Next Generation of Christian Evolutionary Biologists and Paleobiologists: A Seminar for Early Career Scientists”:

Christian scientists in evolutionary biology and paleobiology are immersed in a polarized culture, actively promoted by some Christians and atheists who push the notion that science and faith are at war.  This seminar will encourage and assist young Christian scientists (graduate students and early career scientists) to negotiate this theological tension.  We will examine the major role that Christians have played in the history of paleontology, paleoanthropology and evolutionary biology; means of negotiating societal tensions; and the role that these young Christian scientists can have in the alleviation of these tensions.
Reading the wording of the seminar, and knowing the speakers to be featured (as listed on the website), I have no doubt this event is geared to influencing staff and faculty at Christian colleges to compromise God’s Word with evolutionary ideas/millions of years.

And who is funding this program? Well, it’s no surprise to read this about the seminar: “Funds provided by a grant from the BioLogos Foundation's Evolution and Christian Faith Program.”

BioLogos has done (and continues to do) a lot of damage in the church by promoting compromise with evolution/millions of years, including with young people.

As I often say, compromising evolution/millions of years with God’s Word is not a salvation issue per se, but it is an authority issue and gospel issue.

I urge you to read this article I wrote for Answers magazine titled “Millions of Years—Are Souls at Stake?”

In this article, I deal with the topic of compromising with evolution/millions of years as

  1. an authority issue,
  2. a gospel issue,
  3. an indirect salvation issue.
Read the article at this link.

Pray that God will open the eyes of Christian leaders, including academics, who compromise God’s Word, that they would see the harm they are doing—and instead stand on God’s Word beginning in Genesis, as they should.  We all need to be so burdened about this massive compromise in the church.

Also, I encourage you to visit and look through the various colleges, universities, seminaries, and other schools listed that stand on the authority of God’s Word regarding the literal interpretation of Genesis. The Christian colleges promoted on this site are ones whose presidents have affirmed in writing their personal agreement with AiG’s statement of faith. It’s a good starting place for you to check out Christian colleges.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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