Winter wonderland at AiG

by Ken Ham

After the ice storm, it looked like a winter wonderland with a crystalline forest at AiG. I’ve enclosed some photographs—the first one was taken by Mark Looy out of his office window.

Ice Storm Ice Storm Across Lake

It was a slow day at AiG today as staff arrived at various times depending on road conditions etc. Some staff did not make it in at all. We had to send a four-wheel-drive out to "rescue" Bodie, Renee, and our granddaughter Kylie. They had no electricity all night, and by morning the temperature in their house was down to 40 degrees with a #3 snow emergency in their county!

AiG security had a busy night—the power went out, and part of the roof had a problem from ice build up. Some of the security staff stayed on site at AiG’s house because of the storm, but they had to put up with a cold night when the power went out and the furnace couldn’t keep the house warm! I praise the Lord for the dedicated staff in our security department who do what it takes to look after the AiG complex. Today, maintenance staff had to de-ice the roof.

Kansas Evolution Issue Back in the News

A news report from the NCSE (the leading anti-creationist organization) today stated:

On February 13, 2007, the Kansas state board of education voted 6-4 to approve a set of state science education standards in which evolution is treated in a scientifically appropriate and pedagogically responsible way. These standards replace a set adopted in November 2005, in which evolution was systematically misrepresented as scientifically controversial. Those standards were the subject of intense criticism from scientific and educational organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Science Teachers Association. Subsequently, the balance of power on the board changed, and supporters of the integrity of science education, who now enjoy a 6-4 majority on the board, quickly moved to restore evolution.

It has been sad to see the way the NCSE and secular media has continually misrepresented what happened in Kansas. Evolution didn’t have to be "restored," as it was never taken out of the standards. One only has to suggest students be able to question evolution and the uproar is incredible—and the misrepresentations by the anti-creationists and secular media is outlandish. We’ve written articles on this on our website before. See for example: What Happened in Kansas?

The rest of the article is at the NCSE website.

Fossil Meat Found in 380 Million-Year-Old Fossil

This was the headline of an article from National Geographic News. The article began:

Australian scientists say they have found morsels of fossilized muscle—the oldest vertebrate tissue ever known—in the remains of two fish that lived 380 to 384 million years ago. Unearthed in western Australia 20 years ago, the specimens belong to two species of an extinct group of primitive, armored fish known as placoderms (map of Australia ). The fish's remarkably well-preserved soft tissues include bundles of muscle cells, blood vessels, and nerve cells. They were found during recent electron microscope scans, the research team reported last week in the British journal Biology Letters.

AiG has found that there are numerous finds documented of preserved soft tissue supposed to be millions of years old, but in this case the soft tissue had been mineralized to keep its structure detail. There are so many reports, that it seems the secular scientists don’t comment any more on WHY they can find preserved soft tissue in a fossil supposed to be millions of years old. You can read the rest of this article at the National Geographic website.

Ken Ham in Lynchburg Virginia

Mally and I are preparing to leave for Lynchburg Virginia this weekend where I will be speaking in a church Sunday morning and Sunday evening. We will also be visiting with our daughter Kristel who is a freshman at Liberty University. For further information on the Lynchburg event, go to our events page. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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