AiG Listed in New York Times Museum Projects

by Ken Ham

The New York Times had a full page item about new museums opening across the USA. They printed a map with circles and arrows to point out where these museums are located. The Creation Museum (along with a nice photograph) is listed as part of these 46 institutions. You can view the map and roll your cursor over the circles to see the name, and cost (and sometimes a photograph) of a particular Institution. When you roll your cursor over the Cincinnati area you will see the information on the Creation Museum. It is interesting to also compare the costs and square footage of the various projects. You can view the map at the NYT website.

Buddy Davis Songs Help Grieving Family

Buddy and Kay Davis shared something that happened last Sunday early evening. Buddy was sitting out on the front porch playing his mandolin when a truck pulled down the driveway. A gentleman got out and asked Buddy if he and his family could come up and meet him. They were from nearby and we found out that they had lost their daughter (approx. 3 weeks ago) in a tragic traffic accident just about 3 miles from us. She was 17 years old and on her way to work. We had heard of the incident but didn't know the family. They wanted to let Buddy know how much his songs have ministered to them and others during this difficult time. In fact, they played two of Buddy’s songs during the funeral. You could tell they were hurting and grieving. The girl’s mother told of how she uses Buddy’s songs when she witnesses to different people over the phone. The family came to our church when Ken and Buddy did a conference last fall. Please remember the Yoder family in prayer.

New Answers Book Available at Walmart Online Store

It’s great to see that the Walmart online store now has the New Answers Book listed (as well as many other AiG books).

AiG Featured on CNN Segment

Here’s the CNN segment (it runs about 6 minutes) that aired on Monday evening’s Anderson Cooper 360 program (John Roberts was the substitute anchor). The link is posted to our publicist’s website.

What Do Moss, Dead Birds, and Fire Extinguishers Have in Common?!

All through the Creation Museum project, God has provided people to contribute in varied ways so that what would cost over $100 million has been built for around $27 million. This week, one of our design team staff was searching for artificial moss to use through the creation walk (we will need a substantial quantity of this). They found a company and received this response:

Yes, you just found us, but God led you to us. Isn't that awesome? We are Christians and know about your new museum. We would like to donate the moss you need. I have read much of what Ken has done and agree whole heartedly with his point of view. Thank God someone is doing what you are doing. You will probably find our carpet moss to be what you want. We have sold it to other museums already. We will send a sample.

A couple of weeks ago, Buddy Davis called a place where people can go pheasant hunting. He wanted to purchase two dead female pheasants to use to construct a bird to look like the famous archaeopteryx (which used to be considered an evolutionary transition between reptiles and birds). When the owners of this business realized Buddy was working for AiG and the Creation Museum, they donated the birds to the project!

At the church where I spoke this past Sunday, a man who had never heard of AiG before, was so excited after hearing our messages, he offered to provide all the fire extinguishers for the Creation Museum at his cost and certain services for free.

Thousands of volunteers, and others donating services and products have greatly contributed to make the Creation Museum what it is today. Please keep praying for all that has to happen before the opening date May 28.

The Tongue Is Fire

My “armchair theologian friend,” Pastor Tom Chesko, has posted a new devotion called ‘The tongue is fire.’ Here is a section from the devotion: It is interesting that all manner of beasts and birds can be tamed, but the tongue can no man tame. Not only is it beyond human control, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison with no quick antidote to counter its deadly poison. Charles Spurgeon said: 'Tongues are more terrible instruments than can be made with hammers and anvils, and the evil which they inflict cuts deeper and spreads wider.' At this point I am inclined to say, 'enough said,' but the Scripture has many other things to say about sins of speech. There is hate speech, prideful speech, slander, gossip, filthy communication, threats, flattery, blasphemy, complaining, self-pity, backbiting, sowing discord, swearing, and lying, to name just some. I’m sure you can think of more. Which of these are you guilty of? Read the entire devotion at

Media Report

Three visitors from YOUnique publications (see photograph) visited and toured the Creation Museum on Wednesday (hosted by Mark Looy, our CCO, who’s standing on the right). Their newest magazine will highlight the Creation Museum in its inaugural issue.

Just about every day, we have media visitors dropping by (earlier in the day, a Toronto-based radio correspondent toured the museum). Imagine how many media will be here the closer we get to the museum’s opening on May 28. Today, Mark also spoke to a BBC radio correspondent based in London, and fielded a call from a national talk show that’s carried on the Sirius satellite network, plus a call from a correspondent with the national FOX-TV news network.

Later this week, a segment on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams will highlight the museum (it should air by Easter—check this website for details). Next week, a TV reporter with a Spanish network will be here. Sometimes I think that half of my day is involved in dealing with the media!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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