Problems in the Homeschool Movement

by Ken Ham

Over the past few months, I have been privileged to be a keynote speaker at a number of homeschool conventions.  At these conventions, there are numerous exhibit booths.  At some of these meetings, I have obtained photographs of various publications being sold—I have included just a small selection for you to view:

The sad aspect of this is that while I am teaching the attendees to stand on a literal book of Genesis, there are numerous publications in many of the exhibit booths that are undermining what I am teaching just a few yards away. But most sad of all, they undermine the authority of Scripture.  Most parents (from those I talked to) would never suspect such books as those above would be sold at such a conference, and many of those books are purchased by unsuspecting parents, as they look like nice books for their kids.

The homeschool movement in general has a challenge on its hands!  If the convention only allowed vendors who took a stand on a literal Genesis, there would be a lot fewer vendors at such a convention; on the other hand, if the various homeschool organizations don’t do something concerning vetting all the publications made available for sale at their conventions, then they will be helping to undermine (albeit unwittingly) the authority of God’s Word—and the homeschool movement.

At one convention, we approached some of the conference organizers showing them these types of materials (and others that were distinctly New Age in philosophy—yes, New Age!), and they seemed genuinely shocked, stating they had no idea such publications were for sale in the vendor hall.  One conference organizer told me that they had people who reviewed all the materials for sale, but when shown some of the items being sold at that convention, the organizer could not believe such had been allowed to be sold.

I write this not to in anyway undermine the homeschool movement—we homeschooled our children for 16 years, and I count it a real privilege and honor to speak at many homeschool conventions. But I want to bring this matter to the attention of homeschoolers and challenge homeschool organizations to work through how vendor materials can be vetted. Thankfully, some groups are already doing this.

Another sad aspect (and just as problematic) is that at many homeschool conventions, some of the “Christian” colleges/seminaries being promoted are those we know take an ardent stand against a literal Genesis and teach students compromise positions not just on Genesis but on many other aspects of God’s Word!  At one recent convention after hearing me speak, a man said to me:

Thank you so much for the lecture.  I realized I had compromised God’s Word because of the seminary I attended—the teaching at this seminary had a devastating affect on my life and how I viewed the Bible.  As I listened to you, I understood I can stand on God’s Word as authoritative, but then I observed that the very seminary that compromised God’s Word and almost destroyed my life is being featured in special advertising at this homeschool convention.
I must admit, my heart sinks as I walk around many of the exhibit halls at these conventions and look at the mixed/compromise messages (and the outright pagan literature) being made readily available to the thousands of parents who are seeking help on how to educate the next generation to stand on the authority of God’s Word!  This is a serious problem I want to bring to the attention of the homeschool movement in an effort to at least get organizers discussing the issues and being aware of this compromising situation.

At the very minimum, can I suggest that organizers of such conventions have a disclaimer given to all attendees to warn them that not all material in the exhibit hall is Christian and does not necessarily reflect the views of the organizers? We also urge all parents to be very discerning when it comes to purchasing materials—to ensure that what they are obtaining is in accord with their stand on God’s Word.


He speaks boldly

(John 7:25-26, 46)  Then said some of them of Jerusalem, Is not this he, whom they seek to kill? But, lo, he speaks boldly, and they say nothing unto him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ? …The officers answered, Never man spoke like this man.

When His enemies were seeking to kill our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ did not cower and suppress the truth, but He spoke all the more boldly.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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