Follow-up to a Make-A-Wish Visit

by Ken Ham

I wanted to write and follow up on a very moving experience we had at AiG last month. Summer Osborn of Georgia was a special visitor here at the Creation Museum, and I blogged about it. Summer has had brain cancer. Through a Make-A-Wish group in Georgia, she was given the opportunity to travel (with her family) to any place in America with all expenses paid, and Summer picked our museum.

Her mother, Susie, wrote the following to us after the family returned home to Georgia:

Thank you so much for an unforgettable time at the museum!!!! We are telling everyone it is a must go-and-see! Even the lady at the Cincinnati Airport, who says she sees Ken Ham here all the time, says we talked her into visiting [the museum], and she has to go now!

God bless everyone there. We are praying for you and everyone involved in the growth of the museum, and spreading the truth of Gods' Word.

Summer said it was “a little touch of heaven.”

Thanks again, and tell Ken: thanks for the personal tour. We will never forget our wonderful time there. We hope to visit again!

I was so honored that Summer chose the museum as the one place in the country she wanted to visit!

She was also happy to hear AiG’s Buddy Davis do a concert in our new Legacy Hall, and she met with Buddy afterwards. Summer told us that her other favorite things during her visit at the museum included our “Men in White” special effects show and our planetarium programs. In fact, we made it possible for her to watch three different planetarium shows, which included one that we normally reserve for our Christmas outreach, called “The Christmas Star.”

Rachel Bosket of our staff (who helped organize the Make-A-Wish visit), me, Summer, and the rest of her family (Susie, Luke, and Steve).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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