Doritos at the Creation Museum!

by Ken Ham

Here is a link to a 30-second Doritos commercial. Why am I linking to it on my blog? Well, it was filmed entirely inside the Creation Museum a few weeks ago. (Note: on some smartphones and tablets, you may not be able to go directly to this Pharaoh-themed Doritos commercial—try your laptop/computer if needed.)

Now, we had nothing to do with the commercial’s scripting and filming. We just allowed a film crew to be here for many hours before the museum opened. In the video you’ll see hints of our Palm Plaza in the museum, which was styled after an Egyptian temple.

This creative commercial has been entered into the $1 million Doritos commercial competition. The winning entry gets shown during the Super Bowl football game next year, plus gets the $1 million cash prize. Independent filmmakers are submitting their commercials now to a special Doritos website, and the entry above is there and ready to be voted on through this link.

If you think it’s a creative spot, forward the video link to others. Right under the video, you will see five stars—click on the star of your choice, which will turn red, and that action records your vote.

Our museum will probably get some publicity if this Doritos commercial does well because it was all filmed here (except for the one-second stock footage of the Egyptian pyramid). You can vote here.

Helping Students Choose a Christian College

Last weekend while I was in South America to speak, we had the privilege of hosting 29 Christian colleges at the Creation Museum for our third annual College Expo. We had over 300 high school students, plus parents and youth leaders, visit the Expo and Creation Museum. They met one-on-one with representatives from schools from around the country that hold to biblical authority in Genesis.*

It was encouraging to read some of the feedback from both students and colleges about this event:

  • “Phenomenal!”
  • “Keep it going!”
  • “Great to meet so many different colleges in one place.”
  • “Loved the like-mindedness and congeniality of all the colleges.”
  • “The opportunity for my student to talk with the variety of schools and options available.”

Attendees also had the opportunity to hear three great speakers who encouraged them to stand on the authority of Scripture, how to present and defend their faith in a world of social media and so-called “tolerance,” and were challenged to obey when God tells them to “go.”

Here are some photos taken late last week at the College Expo:

College Expo College Expo College Expo College Expo College Expo

Please plan to attend next year’s College Expo, November 14 and 15.

AiG has published a list of colleges that indicate they teach creation—which is a starting point for parents and students to begin their search for a Christian college that stands on the authority of God’s God. These are colleges where the president has signed a statement that they have agreed with AiG’s statement of faith.* Go to this list at

Speaking in the UK

Today I begin speaking at a series of conferences in the United Kingdom. As you look at the itinerary, please pray for our outreaches in Darwin’s homeland.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


*That is not to say that every professor on each campus agrees with AiG’s statement of faith. Parents and students need to exercise discernment and ask questions about the department that interests them.

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