The Bible Memory Man

by Ken Ham

The “Bible Memory Man” (as we call him), Tom Meyer, spoke at the Creation Museum this past week while most of our AiG lecturers were speaking at the Mega Conference in California. Tom has memorized many books of Scripture, and last week he recited Genesis 1–11 for museum guests, as well as all 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation from memory.

On Tuesday morning, he spoke all of the book of Ephesians (it takes about 25 minutes) to our employees and volunteers during our regular staff meeting. In this photo of Tom speaking to our staff, you can also see his wedding photo on the screen behind him—he got married in a Jerusalem church in 2011. By the way, he had “popped the question” to Sarah on the previous Christmas Eve in Bethlehem—a romantic guy!

Tom Meyer

A couple of our staff members first heard Tom give Scripture from memory during a 2009 AiG tour of Israel. The group sat mesmerized as Tom recited all of Revelation. Since then, Tom has visited our museum every year to bless our visitors with God’s Word as he speaks it from memory.

Tom, who was both a student and teacher in Jerusalem, is currently traveling around America and presenting the Bible from memory. He sometimes teaches at a Christian college in California.

We have already written about Tom’s unique ministry—see, for example, our magazine article “Becoming a Living, Breathing Bible.” He has memorized large portions of the Bible. He shared with our staff that it takes him about one month to memorize a chapter of the Bible. He doesn’t have a photographic memory, and so he will spend many hours each month to learn one chapter.

Think about booking Tom for your church or group—go to the Wordsower Ministries website.

Here is Tom with his Wordsower table in the museum’s main hall last week:

Tom Meyer

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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