Don’t Miss Our Gospel Reset Mega Conference in Niagara Falls

by Ken Ham on October 30, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Our November conference, Gospel Reset, in Canada is just around the corner! Thanks to an enthusiastic donor, a copy of my new book on evangelism, Gospel Reset, was sent to pastors of churches across the West (along with free tickets to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum). Many pastors and churches were impacted by this book, and we’re excited to be hosting a conference in Niagara Falls, Canada (right on the US border), based on Gospel Reset that will equip you to reach your family and friends with the gospel message!

November 21–23, join me and my colleagues Dr. Georgia Purdom and Calvin Smith, plus evangelist Corey McKenna, for three days of teaching that will strengthen your faith, equip you with answers to the tough questions of our day, and leave you with a practical strategy for reaching friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and even strangers with the gospel message.

We invite believers from both sides of the border to gather on the highly scenic Canadian side for this powerful equipping event.

This conference is taking place in beautiful Niagara Falls, along the Canada–US border. We invite believers from both sides of the border to gather on the highly scenic Canadian side for this powerful equipping event. It’s taking place at the beautiful Crowne Plaza, with a great view of Niagara Falls below. And you can make it a family vacation by staying at this hotel and enjoying the amazing three-acre indoor water park (complete with sixteen water slides, a full-size wave pool, and a 1,000-gallon tipping bucket!). Nearby are many of Niagara Falls’ most popular attractions and, of course, the incredible Falls themselves! Yes, make it a creation vacation!

Register today on the events page of our website. I hope to see you there!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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