Ham on the bone

by Ken Ham

I read a letter from an eight-year-old Australian girl to our staff. This young girl lives in Western Australia and she watched some of our DVDs. She said she really liked Buddy Davis too. Her mother wrote a note saying that after seeing a DVD on dinosaurs and fossils, her daughter wanted to know if Ken Ham was still living. The mother said she told her daughter there was still "plenty of ham on the bone!"


This morning, on behalf of the AiG staff, I presented a Creation Museum shirt to the chairman of our board of directors, Don Landis. You can hear Don’s devotions on "forgiveness" in a previous blog entry.


Just recently, a reporter from the Columbus Dispatch newspaper came to our offices to interview various people and write an article on AiG and the Creation Museum. I received a copy of the article today. We are thankful for a reporter who accurately quoted us and wrote a great article. We of course would take issue with some of the statements made by our opponents—but no doubt these statements were reportedly accurately, even though the statements themselves are the typical distortions we’ve heard before.

The article begins:

Ken Ham admits that the Creation Museum rising on 50 acres of former farmland in northern Kentucky uses dinosaurs to attract people. But while the giant creatures are a hook, they also help his organization, Answers in Genesis, get across its fundamental message: If the Bible says it, it’s got to be true.

"Every doctrine of theology is found in that history, and all of Christian morality," Ham said. And so in a sense, the museum is standing here saying, "The Bible’s history is true; that’s why its message of morality, its message of the Gospel is true."

To read the entire article and see the great photographs (and I encourage you all to do this), see: The Columbus Dispatch---Bible as Biology


Whenever a staff member leaves AiG, we have a tradition of having a cake and ice cream get-together. Today we gathered to say goodbye to a staff member—and to pray for her as she moves on as the Lord has directed her. I’ve enclosed a photograph showing Dorothy and her boss Dave, giving his speech.


While I was signing books for Creation Museum memberships this afternoon, I had a call from a Christian radio network to interview me about "Evolution Sunday" this weekend. If you haven’t read our lead article about this, I really encourage you to do so: Evolution Sunday. I also urge you to listen to the special 30-minute radio program AiG produced on this event that was sent to radio stations across the nation. We’ve received word that many Christian radio stations will be airing this special this Saturday and Sunday. You can hear Mark Looy interview Dr. Terry Mortenson and me as we discuss this sad issue that involves hundreds of churches in the USA basically setting up a worship service to praise Darwin: Listen here.

Thanks for stopping by,


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