The Independent Weekly reports on North Carolina conference

by Ken Ham

Quite a long newspaper article appeared in The Independent Weekly for Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, reporting on the recent Answers in Genesis conference in which Dr. Jason Lisle, Buddy Davis, and I were featured speakers.

This is an interesting article to read. He does report a lot of things we said accurately, but now and then makes errors (we trust not deliberately) like this:

They’re listening as Ken Ham explains what he considers the root of racism: modern science.

Actually, I said that “Darwinian evolution was not the cause of racism, but it fueled racism.” I then quoted the late Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, who stated that racism existed before Darwin, but that Darwinian evolution resulted in racism increasing by orders of magnitude.

It’s interesting to read an article in which the writer is obviously scoffing at what we are saying. He adds sarcastic comments and attempts to put a “spin” on certain things. He describes people as bringing in “well-worn Bibles.” Actually, most people didn’t bring Bibles to this event.

At the end of the article, he states there is overwhelming evidence for evolution. He even gives specific examples. For instance, one of his major examples is finches—that as a result of natural selection, those that survived in a particular location had slightly changed beak lengths! I’m sure he listened to the talk I gave where we explained that natural selection like this has NOTHING to do with Darwinian evolution!

Even though Dr. Jason Lisle has a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, the reporter makes light of everything Jason taught.

The article reports on all the sessions during the Saturday portion of the seminar. The photographs that appear throughout the article were actually at taken at the church service the next day!

The article begins:

On the red-carpeted dais of a church the size of a department store, a man with a Lincolnesque beard is addressing a sanctuary full of evangelical Christians. It’s 9 o’clock on Saturday morning, and 500 people have gathered at Rocky Mount’s Englewood Baptist Church. Some belong to this congregation; others have traveled from Raleigh, Roanoke Rapids and even Virginia. They’re wearing jeans and casual shirts, very few neckties and one golden sari. Many are clutching well-worn Bibles. They’re listening as Ken Ham explains what he considers the root of racism: modern science.

The men, women and teenagers in the audience listen attentively. They know that 54-year-old Ham, with his lilting Australian accent, is one of the world’s best known “creation evangelists.” The author of One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism, Ham travels around the United States, often with astronomer Jason Lisle and artist-musician Buddy Davis, speaking at churches and convention centers from Merrimack, N.H., to Modesto, Calif. Part of his strategy involves painting Biblical creationism as the path to racial unity.

Read the whole article “Creation Nation” for yourself at The Independent Weekly.

More Horseshoe Crab Photographs

Here is another photograph of the exciting museum-quality horseshoe crab fossil (including the crab’s trail) that will be featured in the Creation Museum. This photograph gives you more of a perspective on the size of the fossil.

Horseshoe Crab

Public Safety

Today, I welcomed members of the ASIS (a local security organization that has security personnel from many different organizations in the community) to AiG. We invited them to hold their meeting this month at our facility (and we provided them lunch from Noah's Café) so we could also introduce them to what AiG is doing and what we are doing regarding museum security.

Trevor of ASIS ASIS

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