AiG releases Pilgrim's Progress curriculum

by Ken Ham

At the staff meeting this morning, Dan Zordel (Director of Product Development) explained the new Pilgrim's Progress curriculum. I must admit, this is a phenomenal product. I don’t believe any curriculum of this nature has ever been produced in the 300-year history of this very famous book. This curriculum was designed to be used in homeschooling, family devotions, small groups of any kind (young ones, teens or adults)---almost anywhere! I encourage every one of you to get this Pilgrim's Progress All-In-One Curriculum.


I selected some interesting emails you will enjoy reading:


I just wanted to thank Answers in Genesis for the sudden change they have helped me make in my life. I work at the Sleep Inn as a house maid. I was cleaning one of the rooms yesterday when I came across one of your "Who We Are" brochures with a dollar tucked into it. Of course, I took it because of the tip, but then I began reading and became interested on what you all were about. I visited the website and wow! All of the questions that I had doubting Christianity were answered! I was somewhat "shell shocked" by the sudden opening of my eyes. Since I still had questions about what salvation is, I went up early to the same room this morning and met Josiah. Josiah talked to me about salvation in an understandable way and I've accepted the Lord in my life. Thank you for all you do. Never ever give up, because the little things help.
(Josiah is an AiG staff member who was the seminar coordinator for Dr. Jason Lisle in North Carolina this past week.)


Thanks for your ministry's work. Your material has helped me and I share it with others.

How about an annual "Dinosaur Run/Walk" at the museum as a fund-raiser and to get more awareness to the general public. I thought about it tonight as I was using my treadmill. Keep up the good work and God bless you all.

Just thought you’d like to be encouraged a little. To honor the Lord for His creation and the account of His creation He gave us, we have named our first child, a baby girl, Genesa, which is the Romanian word for “Genesis”. (My wife and her family are from Romania.) We could think of no better way of honoring the Lord for the joy he has given us. Of course you guys were and continue to be God’s instrument of revealing the truth to us, and now our daughter will carry this testimony with her wherever she goes. We are both graduates of Caltech, and I was once a supporter of Hugh Ross and Gerald Schroeder. We definitely thank God for the true science you have brought us.
Thanks for hosting this past weekend (Demolishing Strongholds). I am a single guy that needed a faith booster experience and this was it. I felt the Lord speaking to me to be more bold in my faith. You see, I also am involved in a major ministry organization and our goal is very similar to AIG. To call the Lord's church back to its beginnings (first love), Jesus Christ. However it is easy to get stuck in the mindset that if you are in a Christian organization, ministering to other Christians, that you don't need to worry about defending your faith because everyone else believes basically the same thing and we are all in our own bubble so the outside does not affect us.

Well, the mess that the church is in today is going to be because of compromise in the area of Genesis. I know for me how I fell into that category and now with the Lord's help, I can be better equipped to face the hostilities towards Christ with a new outlook as I am out in the midst of life. Please thank the other speakers for me as well.

Thanks for stopping by,


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