He loves carnivorous plants!

by Ken Ham

AiG staff members enjoyed a special guest speaker on Tuesday who loves carnivorous plants!

Ron Dudek received his B.S. in Community Health Science at the William Paterson College in Wayne, New Jersey. He was married to Diana in 1983. They have four children—two sons and two daughters. Ron’s fascination with carnivorous plants began at a very young age. His father was a tropical fish hobbyist so they were always visiting pet shops to purchase supplies; that is where Ron was first exposed to carnivorous plants. His father was also a science fiction addict, which exposed Ron to many of those corny sci-fi movies of the 1960's, including the ones with man-eating plants!

There was an article on carnivorous plants in the May 1961 edition of the National Geographic magazine which captured Ron’s attention, and at age 10 he built a 3' tall Venus flytrap out of paper as a science project for school. Ron has been growing them as a hobby ever since. Ron regularly teaches programs about carnivorous plants at public and Christian schools and conducts camp programs with children as well.

Of course you can imagine how delighted Ron is that AiG has a carnivorous plant bog as a part of the nature trails.


I am so impressed with your new publication! It is excellent and I'm thrilled to say I came across it at my local library- Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio! I am interested in becoming a subscriber. It is now October and I don't know when the current issue would ship. I am assuming that my subscription would start with the October-December issue?

I would love to also receive the July-September issue. This would be a separate order? Thanks so much again for such a wonderful blessing to all of us!

(fortunately, everyone can get back issues and current issues! Go to AnswersBookstore.com)

I received the first issue of ANSWERS Magazine... After enjoying that first issue I thought that I should send a gift subscription to our 8 year old granddaughter, Katrina. She is a very precocious young lady. After receiving the second issue she brought it to church last Sunday morning and was showing it to others. She opened up to the article on Charles Darwin and asked if I had read it. We briefly discussed it. Later in discussing this I asked her what her opinion was as to his influence and her reply was "bad".

The most interesting thing is something related to me by her dad (our son) just today. She had become interested in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ in this second issue. She gets her interest in genealogy from her grandfather (me). There was like a light went on as she remarked, "Joseph and Mary were cousins!" Her father replied, "Yes, just like your great grandfather and mother Holly!"

Being the observant reader that Katrina is I am happy that this gift susbscription to ANSWERS is going to be having an influence on her in the area of creationism.

It's great to see the Lord blessing people!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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