Answers Radio program changes lives

by Ken Ham

Our daily Answers with Ken Ham radio program is only 90 seconds in length—yet it airs on nearly 900 stations across the USA, and we receive many testimonies from people whose lives were changed as a result of these radio features. Here is a testimony we received this week:

I listen to 89.9fm truth radio out of Gadsden, every day on my commute to work. I really enjoy your segments they air. I look forward to hearing each one. I grew up in a Christian home and was saved at age 12 in 1964, but I also was fascinated by anything biology related, especially dinosaurs. [I]read everything I could about them. I obtained a degree in biology and chemistry in college and now realize that I was brainwashed into believing the lies of evolution which contradicted the bible I was supposed to believe and struggled with, trying to reconcile how both could be true for years—after all, scientists "proved" their "facts" about the [millions of years] age of the earth—and I had been taught that a day was as a thousand years and vice versa. Your programs have helped me gain the proper perspective and helped me see much more clearly. Thank you so much for your ministry. It truly has ministered to me.

If your local Christian Radio station does not air this program, we encourage you to urge them to do so. You can find out more information in our radio section of the website.


I have enclosed a photograph of one of the two winged bulls specially sculptured for the Babylon room in the Creation Museum. I have also enclosed another photograph of the effects of the ice storm (with more snow expected the day you are reading this).


Hyland Heights Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, is where I will be speaking this Sunday. You can find information on this event on our events page page.

Mally and I (and our son Jeremy) flew to Virginia Friday afternoon. Our plane was delayed an hour and a half which caused me to miss an important radio interview; however, our CCO, Mark Looy, filled in for me.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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