Chick-fil-A feeds Creation Museum staff

by Ken Ham

With May 28 approaching like a speeding train, our museum staff has almost doubled their daily work hours and are now working long, six-day weeks in an effort to get the museum completed for opening day. This past Saturday, we were blessed by Chick-fil-A when they graciously agreed to provide a delicious complimentary lunch of a sandwich, chips, and brownie to our museum team.

Suzzane Berner, Donations Coordinator at Chick-fil-A headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, organized the event through Dustin DiChiara, Owner/Operator of the Cincinnati Chick-fil-A store. Dustin, a Moody Bible College graduate, and his store prepared the meal and delivered it to our eagerly awaiting crew of “carnivores” (see photograph).


We’d like to a say huge thank you to Chick-fil-A, Suzzane, and Dustin for their giving a “cup of cold water” in the name of the Lord to our dedicated team. The servant-type spirit of Chick-fil-A and their team was a tremendous source of encouragement for our museum staff, and we praise the Lord that he has raised up businesses like Chick-fil-A who are known for their commitment to the Lord and his Word.


AiG speaker Dr. David Menton had an interesting thing happen to him in Montana recently when he had an interview with a local television station. Dr. Menton reported:

My interviewer was clearly a Christian and was very interested in the relationship of creation to the pro-life position and the evidence for creation. The young man running the video camera however was outraged by my criticism of evolution and belief in creation. He was quite surly toward me and the interviewer during the setup for the interview. After the interview, he wanted me to understand that he rejected everything I said and insisted that the evidence for evolution was overwhelming (he cited the recent comparison of chicken and dino DNA, though he never read the original papers). He was so angry he would not discuss the matter and left the building while the interviewer was still talking with me for about 15 minutes after the on-camera interview. “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?” (Psalm 2:1)


Recently I reported on an event when Bill Maher sneaked into AiG to interview me. I thought you would be interested in his blog reader’s response to this report:

Don’t worry about Mr. Maher’s subterfuge in invading AiG’s premises. God will use it to his own glory. I can speak to this issue. It was gratuitous mocking of Christians on TV, when I was a pagan, that compelled me to investigate Christian claims of a living God. Mr. Maher mocks the living God and his Word in vain.

Mally and I are now in Binghamton, New York, where I will be speaking at a conference (with Dr. Dave Menton and Buddy Davis). I will also be speaking at a local church on Sunday morning.

I have included two photographs taken in the Creation Museum this week. 1. Confusion exhibit (Babylon). 2. Tile being laid outside the theatre where the special video presentation on the gospel will be shown.

Babel-4-19-07-032.jpg Consumation-tile-4-19-07-03.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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