A Sad Anniversary

by Ken Ham

Today is the 10-year anniversary of the shocking act of school violence that occurred at Columbine High School in Colorado. Because of this and similar acts of violence in the recent past, our lead article on the AiG website today discusses a connection between the atheistic/evolutionary ideas students are taught and the rise in such violence. The article also deals with misrepresentations by atheists on the Internet in regard to a video clip produced by AiG in 2006 concerning this same topic.

The article begins:

April 20, 2009, is the 10-year anniversary of a most horrific act of school violence. Beginning at 11:19 a.m. at suburban Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, high school seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher, and wounded 23 others. It was a massacre that shocked the United States—and the world.

Such acts as this—and numerous others since—send a warning that something is happening in our culture—something many are perplexed about. Why would such situations occur?

From a biblical perspective and an understanding of a sovereign God, the ultimate answer of course is sin. The Bible makes it clear we live in a fallen world, and because of the effects of sin and the Curse, we now experience violence, suffering, disease, catastrophes, and so on.

But on the individual level—even understanding we are sinners in a fallen world—we ask what could lead persons like Harris and Klebold to kill their fellow students?

I urge you to read the entire article (and the fascinating sidebar on the background to the video clip) at this link.

My Creation Bible

I had many people share exciting testimonies with me after I spoke in California at two churches yesterday:

  • A lady told me that her young daughter committed her life to Christ after reading My Creation Bible. We have heard numerous testimonies over the years from parents telling us their children prayed to receive Christ after reading our books such as A is for Adam.
  • A Grandmother shared that she brought her two grandchildren to a program at this church where I (and Dr. Duane Gish) spoke around 19 years ago! She said her grandchildren loved the program and books purchased for them and are on fire Christians as adults now. She said the AiG material had a phenomenal impact on them, which they have never forgotten.
  • A young student said she had wandered away from the Lord, but the AiG material had a great impact on getting her back on track.
  • A lady told me she still remembers as a child (which makes me feel old) going to the program 19 years ago. It had a great impact on her—and now she is using AiG material with her children.
I had many similar testimonies, which I can only praise the Lord for.

On Sunday morning, I had an interesting situation with a man yelling out at me from the congregation as I was speaking. I had to stop and tell him to allow me to speak. He settled down. He was sitting with a small group of atheists that came to the service. I pray what was shared will be used of the Lord to convict them.


Look out for

(Mark 8:2) I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat

Man says that no one will look out for us if we do not look out for ourselves, but The Lord Jesus Christ is always aware of our needs, He is the One who provides for us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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