Already Gone Impact Is Growing

by Ken Ham

The impact of the research in our book Already Gone as to why so many young people are leaving the church continues to grow. Here are just two feedback items we received this past week:

I just wanted to send a note of encouragement to your ministry. My husband and I attend [a church in] Michigan. Today our Executive Pastor highly recommended your new book, Already Gone, during the Sunday sermon. We are doing a fall sermon series on mentoring the next generations, and today our pastor described some of the research in your book. In fact, our entire pastoral team is going to study your book this fall. My husband and I are really excited to order and read the book.
We visited the Creation Museum last summer, and we often visit your website and are so blessed by your ministry. Thank you for standing so strongly on God’s Word and being defenders of the faith. We will continue to support your ministry through prayer and financial gifts as we are able! Thank you again, and we look forward to reading your book!
Had a good turn out in church this past Sunday for the showing of Ken’s Already Gone DVD; the response seemed to be very positive, especially from families with middle- and high-school-age children I was observing as everyone was watching the DVD. Everyone seemed to be paying close attention.
Had a great introduction by our pastor at the beginning; he read from the Parade Magazine interview with Dan Brown concerning how the church let him down with questions he had concerning Genesis, and our pastor read a brief part of an article that was in our Grand Rapids Press religion section of this past Saturday’s paper . . . there was a big front page article on how area colleges here and around Grand Rapids are accepting the teachings of Darwinian evolution . . . Hope and Calvin to name two (I will send you the article). Our pastor felt it was God’s providence that these two articles came out about the same time this DVD would be shown in our church! Our pastor than prayed for AiG's ministry to be blessed…
At the end of the DVD, our friend . . . gave his testimony on how this [AiG ministry was used by his] girlfriend and now his wife . . . and her family to take him from being an atheist and help bring him to know the Lord. But, he still had questions concerning dinosaurs/millions of years. . . .

[H]e found a book titled The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved! in the church library. Aaron explained after reading this book he became an on-fire Christian because he had his questions answered! . . . Talk about God's timing, this is where i get goosebumps just thinking about this.

A year ago I became our church’s librarian, and because God used AiG to re-ignite my faith for the Lord, I eagerly put new books from AiG into our library. One was Ken’s The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved! . . . .

We will be working on getting . . . other apologetic curricula into our youth Sunday school classes in the near future also . . . .

I’m praying God will use apologetics and AiG to get our church excited again . . . . In the near future, [we] are going to bring up the idea of a church bus trip down to the museum, and a good possibility of getting a speaker to come too! (this is so fun :) ).

People Turn out in Mississippi for Creation Conference

I praise the Lord for the vision of Pastor Greg Belser and his church leadership in inviting Answers in Genesis to conduct a conference at Morrison Heights Baptist Church near Jackson, Mississippi. I spoke four times yesterday (in two morning services and then two different sessions last night). Today, the auditorium will be filled in the morning with kids, as K–6 students attend the first session, and junior high/senior high the second session. Tonight I conclude with two more sessions.

I am so thankful for the encouraging feedback received from so many. Here is a photographic tour of what happened yesterday.

1. Morrison Heights Baptist Church







2. Inside the auditorium








3. The volunteers







4. Speaking to the audience







5. With Pastor Greg Belser







6. Tremendous response to the resources we made available








Fall at the Creation Museum

Deb Minnard, Creation Museum FotoFX photographer, sent me these photographs taken last week at the museum property:


fall pano copy

building front in fall

fall deck

fall lamps 1








Take His outstretched arm

(Isaiah 27:5) Or let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me.

The lost say that it is too difficult to come to God and be saved from sins, but the Lord Jesus Christ says to take His outstretched arm and let Him pull him up to God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken

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