Spectacular Christmas Light Display “Evolving”

by Ken Ham

Our talented grounds staff at the Creation Museum is using their creativity and high-quality designed lights to once again turn the Creation Museum gardens into a spectacular light display as part of the phenomenal Live Nativity program for this Christmas. Here are three photos to give you a sneak preview of just a little of what you can expect to come:

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Make sure you visit the Creation Museum in December to see these lights, and also check out the dates for the Live Nativity program from the Creation Museum website—this will be spectacular.

Trophy Shown to AiG Staff

I wrote a few days ago that the Creation Museum won some special awards last week for its advertising. At our staff meeting on Tuesday morning, Jason Goff from our marketing department showed the staff the trophy the museum had won for Best of Show—out of over 200 entries—for our museum’s billboard campaign. This was awarded at the Kentucky Tourism Council’s dinner last week in Louisville.

The photo shows Jason in front of our staff, with a sampling of the striking dinosaur-themed billboards on the screen behind him.


Also, the museum won some other awards that evening: our TV ads featuring both our planetarium and the Noah’s Ark exhibits (which were awarded first place) and our Souvenir Guide received first place in the Visitor’s Guide category. Each entry is judged on creativity and how well it relates to its audience.

Congratulations are due our marketing consultants, Joseph David Advertising, for their promotional campaign to draw even more visitors to the museum. By the way, we are close to 900,000 total museum visitors—in less than two years.

Bible Bee in D.C.

Roger Patterson of our staff and his family are attending (and participating) at the National Bible Bee in Washington, D.C., this week. In September, over 17,000 contestants all over the country participated in local qualifying contests—the top 100 contestants in each of three age categories were invited to participate in the national contest.

Situated only a block and a half from the White House, the competition—held at a hotel—is seeing God's Word elevated as the contestants recite passages and answer questions about six books of the Bible. After two oral rounds and a written test, the top 20 in each age group will continue to the semifinals this morning and then the top seven will advance to the final round this afternoon. That event will be webcast live.

You can find out more about this God-honoring event at www.biblebee.org. (Roger tells me that the Bible Bee is held in memory of Shelby Kennedy and in honor of her passion for God's Word.) In the photos, you can see some of the sponsor booths and other shots taken by Roger, including a photo of the White House at night.

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Much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers

(Rev 8:3–4) And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

We focus not on the feebleness of our prayers, but on what the Lord Jesus Christ does with our prayers to make them effective.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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