More Young People on Fire for Creation Apologetics

by Ken Ham

We are seeing an increasing number of testimonies from young people who have become on fire for creation apologetics. The Lord is using AiG and the Creation Museum (and in three years, the Ark Encounter also) to raise up generations of young people who are bold in their faith and uncompromising on their stand on God’s Word. Recently we received the following email:

The email below is written by a young man, Caleb … who recently turned 14.  We have Creation Club meetings in Sacramento which he attended. As he lives about 50 miles away, he decided to start his own Creation Club, and this is his email to people who have expressed an interest in coming to his meetings in his home. He has about 19 people including adults and young people come to every meeting. He makes the presentation himself using PowerPoint and shows portions of Creation DVDs.

He is a very mature 14 year-old (he is home-schooled) and makes a very good presentation. In fact, he makes a better apologetic for Creation and its importance to the Gospel than a majority of pastors today. Caleb has since been invited to have his Creation Club meetings at a local church, Gold Country Baptist Church in Shingle Springs … This young man is truly interested in science as well as Bible truths. It would be great if you could encourage him in the work he is doing in the small community of Camino, CA.

I asked Caleb's mother if she minded if I forwarded his email to other people and she gave her approval.

Here is the email Caleb sent out recently:
Dear friends,

Our Creation Club has a new name!

In today's culture, the Bible's foundation, Genesis, is constantly being attacked by anti-biblical ideas such as evolution and millions of years, and as church leaders compromise on these issues, the next generation will slowly walk away from the church as the seeds of compromise begin to sprout. All of us know that if you want to demolish a building, destroying its foundations will eventually lead to the collapse of the entire structure. Psalms 11:3 says that "If the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?" Sadly, we are seeing just that in modern Christianity as the church becomes less and less effective in their ministry. Our only hope is to restore the foundations, by showing that the Bible can be trusted from the very first verse and that history and science confirm the biblical account of Creation.

Our goal is to strengthen the faith of the church (You!) so we can return to being the effective tool we once were and to defend the Bible from these secular and anti-biblical attacks on Christianity.

That is why we have chosen the name Foundations Creation Club for our Creation ministry, so we can restore the Foundations of Christianity in our culture

Caleb then went on to advertise the meeting they held recently:
The next meeting of the Foundations Creation Club is happening on Friday, June 24th at 6:45 PM at the LePore home. Topic: Genesis; Does it Matter?  We will learn about what the Bible teaches about the Creation week, the Fall, the age of the earth and why a literal interpretation is foundational to the rest of the Gospel and the effects of compromise. We will also watch a portion of the video "Millions of Years: Where Did the Idea Come From?" with Dr. Terry Mortenson of Answers in Genesis. See you there! Sincerely, Caleb.
It is thrilling to know that AiG presenters are “speaking,” even when they are not—the Lord uses their many videos in various places to reach even more people.

Caleb was the name of a great man of God who was prepared, along with Joshua, to trust God’s Word—even when most of the Israelites would not (see Numbers 32:12).

Be encouraged, Caleb! We need many more Calebs in this world.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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