Creation Evangelism in Brazil

by Ken Ham

Even though AiG has little published in the Portuguese language at present (but we do have some articles in Portuguese at, it is thrilling to see how Christians in Brazil have been inspired by AiG resources to actively conduct creation evangelism in their country. (Many people don’t realize that the main language in Brazil is not Spanish but Portuguese.) I have reprinted an email I received recently (below). I am amazed at how many people in other countries speak and write English! I wish I could speak a second language as well!

Dear Ken

I would like to share this testimony.

Inspired in your books and articles about creation evangelism, we decided to establish a Creation Club (starting on 9/11/11) as a new means to evangelize Campinas, a city located 80 miles from Sao Paulo, capital city of Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Campinas is a secularized city that has near 1.2 million habitants and is surrounded by a high technology industry pole, and is proud of its UNICAMP, one of the most famous universities in Brazil, and for its scientific research achievements.

Our first action as a group was to study the first eleven chapters of Genesis, verse by verse. This [became a] . . . quest to most of [the] 60 young fellows that . . . the adventure of searching answers to our origins [is] in the Bible. We also had some lectures about the various worldviews we face today in our postmodern society.

After concluding that study [meeting], all of them were eager to invite others to be part of this journey. So we made a t-shirt with a logo, and set a date (a Sunday morning, in a beautiful park) to start evangelizing. To do that, we decided to offer to the walkers a small plant with a tract inside, about the divine origin of all things and inviting [them] to join us. We made a big pump-up earth globe also.

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Until that day, our site received just a few accesses, but on [the] next day it received almost a thousand accesses, and people such as scholars and others wrote us emails showing interest in our activities. The more wonderful [thing] was to see the joy in the faces of . . . young boys and girls, many of them, university students delighted to be testifying of their Creator in such a . . . way. Next December, 3, we will have a ceremony to give the [“]Genesis and The Origins Course[”] [c]ertificate to the participants that concluded it. We will give also a certificate of honorary [membership] to some persons that are [friends] of this cause and of our Club . . .

As coordinator of the project, I am grateful to our Lord, that blessed all our efforts to do this small action, and for the certainty He gives us that greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city on creation evangelism [matters].

I wish to thank you also, for being a faithful servant of our Creator and Lord Jesus Christ, and for sharing your experience and knowledge

with us. God bless you and all your crew at Answers in Genesis.

Sincerely, Your brother in Christ.

Clube Criacionista de Campinas (Campinas Creation Club) Coordinator.

How we praise the Lord for the impact of AiG around the world.

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