Teaching Doctrine to Kids

by Ken Ham

Do you sometimes struggle with teaching Christian doctrine and theology to your kids? Many parents feel that doctrine is just too deep a topic for young kids and they have no idea how to “kiddify” it. But teaching our kids solid doctrine is essential for safeguarding them from compromise and for encouraging real faith—and we need to pass the torch of unwavering faith to the next generation by teaching them to think biblically. So how should parents go about this task?

Raising Our Children

Well, we have a new resource from Pastor Jeff Davenport (a pastor of a local church in Northern Kentucky where a number of AiG staff attend), foreworded by myself, that will help you do just that! God Is Really Really Real contains 30 core Christian doctrines in an easy-to-teach format. This book is great for younger children with more in-depth material available for older children. God Is Really Really Real is divided into three sections—an illustrated rhyming children’s book that walks through the Bible, a section on 30 core Christian doctrines, and information for parents. Each doctrine contains a Scripture verse, a short kid-friendly explanation of that doctrine, and an in-depth paragraph for parents to help you answer questions and go into more detail for older kids. There are also some great “Tuck-in Questions” to make sure your child understands what they’re hearing.

Sometimes in my talks I compare teaching children to love God’s Word to the Australian favorite, Vegemite. Vegemite is a spread of salt and yeast that Australians like myself love to spread on toast or crackers. Most non-Australians, though, can’t stand the stuff. Australian parents put a little bit on their kid’s tongues when they are young to get them used to the taste, and they grow up loving it. I believe that is similar to what we need to do with God’s Word for our kids—introduce it to them little bit by little bit when they’re young so that “when they are old, they will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). As Australians acquire a taste for vegemite, our kids need to acquire a taste for the things of the Lord right from when they are born. This book can help you do just that.

I encourage you to order your own copy of God Is Really Really Real for your kids, grandkids, or for your school or church library. You’ll be excited to see your kids’ eyes open to the wonder of who God is and what He has done as they learn more about Him. Order your copy from our online store today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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