Bible Is on List of Books Most Frequently Challenged in Schools

by Ken Ham

The list of most frequently challenged books in America’s public schools and libraries was just released, and in this day and age, you probably won’t be surprised which book made the Top 10 list. Of course, it is the Bible.

Religion in Schools

Formerly a staple in public schools across America, the Bible has increasingly been kicked out of schools even while the worldview religions of secularism, humanism, and atheism are openly taught. Of course, secularists are so intolerant of Christianity that many of them are upset if the Bible is even an option. Regarding the Bible being on the list of frequently challenged books, one article noted that “sometimes there’s a retaliatory action, where a religious group has objected to a book and a parent might respond by objecting to the Bible.”

But according to the Guidelines for the Office for Intellectual Freedom, having a Bible in a school or public library “does not violate the separation of church and state as long as the library does not endorse or promote the views included in the Bible.” And many libraries include other religious texts such as the Quran or the Book of Mormon. Of course, many other books you’ll find in public schools and libraries teach the worldviews of evolution, secularism, and humanism—and many of these books are promoted by the schools even though they really are religious books. So why is the Bible singled out?

Well, to those who reject Jesus Christ, the Bible is offensive. You see, secularists know the truth, but they actively suppress what they know to be true because of their sin (Romans 1:18–22). God’s Word—which gives moral absolutes and tells all humanity that they have sinned against a holy God and deserve death—is offensive to those without Christ; so they try to suppress it in favor of their worldview. Really, the objections to the Bible in public places just confirm what God’s Word says about the heart of the unbeliever.

God’s Word is increasingly coming under attack in our Western culture. But this shouldn’t surprise us. The battle we’re fighting is a spiritual one: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Our enemy, Satan, hates God’s Word, and he will do anything he can to stop people from hearing its life-changing message (2 Corinthians 4:3–4).

This is one reason we’re building the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. It will be a life-size testament to the truth of God’s Word and the saving gospel. We will powerfully show that, just as the Flood was a real judgment in history, the coming judgment is also real. And then we will show visitors that just as there was only one door into the Ark to be saved, so there is only one way to salvation, through the Door, Jesus Christ. Because this is the message that the world desperately needs to hear, we are thrilled to use the Ark Encounter to share the gospel with so many people. Of course, we present God’s truth in a tasteful way, and unlike atheists groups that want their religion imposed on people, we challenge people to carefully consider the life-changing Christian message.

You can order your tickets at to be among the first to visit the full-size Ark.

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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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