Seniors—Commending God’s Works to the Next Generation

by Ken Ham
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today is National Senior Citizens Day, a day created to show support, honor, and appreciation to our seniors. Now some people might consider me a senior, but I tell people I’ve just had to dye my hair grey to remind people I’m getting older :) ! We’re thankful for seniors and the unique role they have in helping shape the next generation.

What is this unique role? Well, Scripture doesn’t let seniors off the hook for passing a legacy to the next generation. Scripture doesn’t say that once you’ve raised your children or worked for a certain number of years or hit a certain age you’re exempt from pouring into the next generation. Rather, Scripture gives us a lifelong mandate to share the gospel, make disciples (Matthew 28:19), and proclaim God’s goodness and salvation to the next generation.

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4)
Answers for Grandparents are free workshops at the Creation Museum to help you answer your grandchildren’s questions and equip them to think biblically.

And seniors can do this uniquely because they have years of experience and gained wisdom to glean from. If you’ve walked with the Lord for most of your life, you have decades of personal experience of the Lord’s goodness, grace, and provision. You have walked through hard things and experienced God’s grace through them. You have wisdom to share with the next generation. And if you’re a new Christian, you have a testimony of what life is like without Christ and how radically he has changed you.

The next generation needs to hear your life’s events and glean from your wisdom and walk with the Lord. Be willing to come alongside young people and encourage them to follow the Lord and think biblically. You haven’t finished the race yet—keep running!

We’re seeing many seniors joining the families and young people visiting the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, so we’ve designed two workshops just for them. Answers for Grandparents are free workshops at the Creation Museum to help you answer your grandchildren’s questions and equip them to think biblically. I encourage you to attend these workshops when you visit the Creation Museum.

Plan your visit at Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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