9 Ways to Celebrate Sanctity of Life Sunday

by Ken Ham on January 10, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Sunday, January 19, 2020, is Sanctity of Life Sunday in the US. Many churches choose to set aside time to celebrate and teach on the sanctity of all human life, particularly that of the unborn. It’s a great time to share the message that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, knit together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13–14). Here are some ideas on what to do this year to celebrate National Sanctity of Life Sunday at your church or in your home.

  1. Hold a showing of our recently updated DVD from anatomist Dr. David Menton, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. It’s an incredible peek into the mind-blowing process of human development, particularly in the very early stages. It powerfully displays the biblical truth that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made.
  2. Watch the movie Unplanned with your family (not appropriate for younger children) or purchase a license to watch the film with your church. This movie tells the story of a rising star in Planned Parenthood who is now a pro-life activist. It’s a very moving story, and young people in particular need to see it.
  3. Hold a fundraiser or special offering for a local pregnancy care center or consider hosting a diaper drive for a local pregnancy care center. Call first to confirm how much volume they can process and what sizes are most appreciated.
  4. Host a community baby shower where anyone from the community can come and take home free items. These items can be purchased by the church or congregation (e.g., diapers, wipes, etc.) or donated by the congregation (i.e., gently used baby or maternity clothes, strollers, cribs, toys, etc.). Or, if you know of single moms or dads, find out what they need and then meet that need.
  5. Contact your local pregnancy care center and see if there's anything you, your family, or the congregation could help with (e.g., a work bee day, provide needed items, etc.).
  6. Don't just assume your church family understands the value of all human life and what it means that humans are made in the image of God. Many Christians don't because they’ve been indoctrinated to think like many people in the mainstream culture. If you’re a pastor or parent, take time to share what God's Word says about the value of children, including the unborn, and his plan for them. Share resources for those who may have had an abortion (e.g., most pregnancy centers offer post-abortive counseling).
  7. Plan to visit the Creation Museum’s upcoming sanctity of life exhibit, set to open this summer. Bring along your youth group and support Answers in Genesis in confronting the culture with boldness on these prominent issues.
  8. And the sanctity of human life isn’t just about the unborn! Discuss how your church can be more friendly and welcoming towards those of all abilities. If you have parents of children with disabilities in your congregation, ask them how your church could improve and make Sunday morning easier for them.
  9. Sanctity of Life Sunday only comes once a year. Still, we should be ever mindful of the dignity and value God has bestowed on every human life by creating us in his image (Genesis 1:27).
  10. Don’t forget the elderly and terminally ill. Perhaps plan a visit to a nursing home, the home of someone unable to make it to church, or raise funds for a local Christian hospice, or honor the elderly or infirmed in your church.

Sanctity of Life Sunday only comes once a year. Still, we should be ever mindful of the dignity and value God has bestowed on every human life by creating us in his image (Genesis 1:27). That’s a message we need to take to heart every day of the year.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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