Meet the AiG Staff: IT and AV

by Ken Ham on May 15, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

As our attractions remain temporarily closed and we continue to operate on a skeleton staff until we can rehire our temporarily laid off staff during the coronavirus, I have been introducing my readers to some of the remarkable people who are wearing extra hats and working extra hard during this time. Today meet our talented IT and AV teams.

Here’s just some of what our Informational Technology team has been doing behind the scenes:

  • Quickly getting setups in place so staff can effectively work from home instead of coming into the office.
  • Running the help desk virtually, ensuring everyone working from home can continue to work without technology problems.
  • Catching phishing emails, which have been increasing since the COVID-19 situation began.
  • Developing an app we can use to log the data of the state-required health and temperature checks we must perform on all our employees as we transition back to being onsite.

They’ve done a lot of work in a very short amount of time, with very quick turnaround, to ensure the ministry can continue operating as our staff works largely offsite for now. In this short video, you can meet just some of our IT staff:

These outreaches are allowing us to reach thousands of people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel!

Our Audio Visual team worked with the IT staff to move our staff meetings to an online application so everyone working from home can still benefit from staff meetings. They also created a platform that allows us to continue to communicate with the staff who were temporarily laid off. The AV team continues to set up and provide technical support for various streaming events, such as our weekday noon presentations or our twice-weekly news program, Answers News. These programs are allowing us to reach thousands of people with the message of biblical authority and the gospel!

A big “thank you” to our IT and AV teams—we appreciate their dedication and hard work in service to this ministry and, ultimately, to the Lord. We can’t wait until we can recall laid off staff and the teams can be complete once again.

And thank you for your continued support of this ministry—we couldn't do it without you. If you would like to donate to help sustain us during this challenging time, please visit

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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