Help Us Reopen the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on May 22, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The June 8th re-opening date of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum is fast approaching—only 17 days now! We greatly look forward to the impact that these attractions will have in the months and years ahead. So many of you have helped to preserve this ministry during these days of seeming uncertainty. (The days were never uncertain to God, though; in fact, he has shown his amazing goodness and blessing throughout these challenging days.)

In mid-March, when the revenue from the Ark and the Creation Museum stopped overnight, so many of you responded. You’ve prayed without ceasing. You’ve sent us notes, letters, and emails encouraging us to keep going. You’ve given graciously and sacrificially ever since the shutdown began. Please know that these gifts have truly sustained this ministry in the most challenging of times. Thank you!

Re-opening has its own set of challenges.

But re-opening has its own set of challenges. Our preparedness plan is very extensive and spells out in detail the additional and enhanced processes and procedures necessary for the safety of our guests (and staff). These new protocols that allow our guests to visit with confidence come with significant start-up costs.

More staff time than ever will need to be dedicated for enhanced sanitation, providing additional buses due to our lowering the capacity on each bus, monitoring guest capacity in various areas of the attractions, providing food service, and for a host of other tasks and needs. There will be additional costs for signage, food, and retail inventory to restart, and for providing the necessary PPE for our staff. And this is just the beginning.

Bottom line: we need your continued support to help us bridge the gap from complete shutdown to full re-opening.

We've put a thermometer on our donate page to reflect the goal of raising $1 million for our core ministry by our opening date of June 8. We will soon be closing one unexpected (yet amazing) chapter in this ministry. Donations to our core ministry will help write the next chapter, where we are praying that God would empower and bless this ministry in ways beyond what we can even ask or think!

Thanks for continuing to stand with us. You are an amazing blessing to me.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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