“[Ark Encounter] Finally Brought Me to the Lord”

by Ken Ham on August 1, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

In the midst of the darkness of our world, God is still saving people! By his Holy Spirit, he is using believers, churches, and Christian outreaches to reach people with the gospel message and see them brought to a saving knowledge of his Son. And we recently received a testimony from someone who God saved after he visited the Ark Encounter.

The following gentleman donated to the ministry and one of our teams reached out to him to say thank you and ask how we as a ministry could be praying for him. He then wrote this back to us:

Thank you so much! I’m actually wishing I could do more and hope to in the future. It is actually this ark replica [Ark Encounter] that finally brought me to the Lord, so thank you and may God bless what y’all are doing! . . .

I would most likely still be lost without it.

It really is an understatement just how much I appreciate this ark. I would most likely still be lost without it. I always felt if one thing was off in the Bible, then it all could be wrong. I never could believe the ark could hold all that it was said to hold. To see it does, and with space left over, I was ready to accept God’s calling.

Testimonies like this are why we do what we do! Both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, as well as our website and resources, boldly defend the authority of God’s Word, answer the skeptical questions of our day, and present the life-changing message of the gospel. Just as heaven rejoices when one lost sinner repents (Luke 15:10), so do we! Praise God for his grace in saving, and we’re so humbled and grateful that he chooses to use us for his eternal purposes.

We’ve always been bold about the fact the Ark and Creation Museum are unique evangelistic attractions for the whole family. Come to N. Kentucky and visit these facilities that honor God and his Word—fun, safe, family-friendly attractions! Visit ArkEncounter.com and CreationMuseum.org to start planning your trip today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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