Free Answers VBS: “The Response . . . Has Been Tremendous”

by Ken Ham on October 11, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

To say 2020 has been quite a year would be an understatement, wouldn’t it? Yet, by God’s grace, we’ve made it this far, and we were thrilled to have been able to offer resources that wouldn’t have been otherwise available. One of those resources was the free virtual Vacation Bible School program, IncrediWorld Amazement Park. Because so many churches were shut down over the summer and most were unable to use our current VBS program, Mystery Island (which is available for next summer!), we provided a simple, easy, yet biblically rich program that churches could use—and even families at home. The teaching, dramas, songs, and science experiments were put on video, and lots of material were available for download. And we provided instructions on how to use it all.

Nearly 9,000 churches and individuals downloaded this program, and the feedback we’ve received has been so encouraging! I thought I’d just share some of them with you—it’s because of your generous support of the AiG ministry that we are able to produce these resources and distribute them free:

I would just like to say a very big THANK YOU for making your IncrediWorld curriculum available for free this year during COVID-19! Our church provided an online VBS a few weeks ago using the IncrediWorld material, and I was so impressed by the content! It was the Bible truth, loud and clear and made so easy for the children to understand.

Thank you for being such a bright light in this world which seems to be becoming darker and more hopeless. We are so grateful that we had this fun yet rich curriculum to share with the children. Thank you again for providing this content and so many videos and resources to go along with it! May God richly bless you!

Stefanie, Children's Ministry Coordinator, Chilliwack Church of God (Canada)

We offered IncrediWorld virtual VBS to our families . . . We had numerous emails from families thanking us, not just for the boxes and bags and their contents, but for offering a SOLID curriculum that was challenging, revealing, and something that created really great conversations even between parents. We loved it because, in these times, presenting a product that reinforces the unchanging TRUTH of Scripture and the God who ordained is something kids need to be reminded of. All of us do, actually!

Jenny, Immanuel Bible Church, VA

Thank you for your foresight and generosity in offering the free IncrediWorld VBS curriculum! I attend . . . a small church and have loved using your curriculum the past several years (about 4). We had already received Mystery Island when the pandemic first hit. We were uncertain what to do at that point, other than we knew couldn’t have a “traditional” VBS and that we had to have VBS in some fashion or other. Long story short, we had a drive-thru VBS where parents pick up packets that contain the Bible lesson, craft, snack, etc. The response in our little town has been tremendous—we actually have at least 10 more children than last year! God bless for providing the free resources to have VBS during a season when people are seeking Him like never before.

Renee, Indiana

I wanted to write and thank you for the free IncrediWorld VBS offered this year. Vacation Bible School has always been a highlight of our summers so it was so disappointing when the churches had to cancel this year. My sisters and I have 14 children between the 3 of us, so we decided to use your curriculum and put together a full week of VBS for the kids. They watched the drama and we did the lessons and crafts and games and snacks, they sang and danced to the songs, and they learned so much and made so many memories that week! I just had to write and thank you for giving us the tools to make that happen for the kids! It was such a bright spot in an otherwise tough time.


We’re praising God for the children who were reached this summer! And we are excited that Mystery Island (along with several digital VBS programs) will be available again for the 2021 VBS season! If you haven’t yet purchased this fun program that will teach kids the truth about who God is, you can still do so! And, if you’d like to use IncrediWorld for your fall programs at your church, you can join the thousands who have used it already and still enjoy a free download.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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