Some Thoughts on Veterans Day (and a Thank You)

by Ken Ham on November 11, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Today is Veterans Day in the United States, a day we thank, honor, and remember those who have served in the US military. As we celebrate this day, recent headlines have been blazing with reports of chaos and confusion. Many people are questioning the state of our freedoms in this nation. It’s an interesting and challenging time, to say the very least.

We could point to many examples of the freedoms we have been enjoying in the United States being undermined in recent times. Here’s just one example that our Answers News team discussed today on the program: “Mississippi school forbids 3rd-grade girl from wearing ‘Jesus Loves Me’ mask.” Although other students were allowed to wear masks emblazoned with their favorite sports teams or slogans like “Black Lives Matter,” this student and her family claim in a lawsuit that she was forced to remove her “Jesus Loves Me” mask because of its religious messaging.

We are certainly seeing the rapid erosion of religious freedom guaranteed us in the First Amendment—particularly Christian freedom—here in America.

Yes, we are certainly seeing the rapid erosion of religious freedom guaranteed us in the First Amendment—particularly Christian freedom—here in America. We need to be praying for this nation.

As we thank those who have given so much for our nation and have helped preserve the freedoms we enjoy (because we do still enjoy more freedom here in America than in many other nations), we must also reflect on how quickly those freedoms can erode as those with a very secularized worldview impose their religion of secularism/atheism on the culture. It should be a reminder to us to pray that God will be gracious towards America and preserve our freedoms. It’s also a reminder that, no matter what happens in this nation, we obey God rather than man and we will continue to preach the gospel and contend for the faith no matter the cost.

So on this Veterans Day, take time to thank any veterans you know. (And if you’re a veteran or active-duty military, see below for our “thank you” to you!). And take time to thank the Lord for those who’ve served and to ask God for his continued mercy towards us in preserving freedom, resolving to obey and serve the Lord no matter what happens.

Veterans Enjoy Free Admission Today (and 20% Off Always)

As a thank you for your service in the US military, and as we announced previously on this blog, we offer all former and active-duty military free admission to both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum—the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world—every year on Veterans Day, November 11.

And every day we offer active-duty members of the United States Armed Forces a 20% discount off the purchase of up to five general admission tickets (adult or senior) with a current military photo ID or military dependent ID, and retired members always receive a 20% discount off their tickets. So when you purchase tickets, please be sure to let our guest services staff know your military status. (And children 10 and under are free for all of 2020 as well!) Visit to plan your visit.

So on this Veterans Day, thank you to those who have served. And please join with us in praying that God will continue to preserve freedom in this nation.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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