Practical Ways to Teach Kids the 7 C’s of History (And an Exciting Announcement!)

by Ken Ham on June 7, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Yesterday we looked in detail at the 7 C’s of History and how it’s this history that is foundational to a biblical worldview, the gospel message, and in fact everything. It’s also the history that explains our biology, geology, anthropology, paleontology, cosmology, and more. Today I want to show you why it’s vital we teach this history by giving you a few practical examples of how to incorporate it into conversations with your kids.

So, the 7 C’s of History (go back and read yesterday’s blog post to refresh yourself on what those 7 C’s are) are an easy way for children to remember biblical history and to understand how to use the history God has given us to interpret the world around us. Let me give you some examples.

  • You and your child observe a dead animal and your child becomes sad. You can say, “It’s very sad that this animal has died. This wasn’t God’s original design. His creation was perfect, but sin broke God’s creation and now animals and people die. That’s the punishment for sin. But Jesus came and died in our place, taking that punishment for us, and then he rose again. Someday he’s going to make a new heavens where there won’t be any death at all!” You then use Creation, Corruption, Christ, Cross, and Consummation to help your child properly understand why death exists.
  • Your child watches a dinosaur program and hears about supposed millions of years. You can say, “The Bible gives us the true history of the universe. It tells us God created all the land animals on day six of creation week and dinosaurs were land animals. So they were created on day six just a few thousand years ago. Now, two of every kind of dinosaur went on the ark, and those not on the ark drowned and many were buried and became fossils—that’s why we find dinosaur fossils today!” You just used Creation and Catastrophe to teach the true history of dinosaurs (and if you get into death and suffering, you pull the other C’s in).
  • Your child sees another child who has a different skin shade from them and wonders why there’s a difference in skin shade. You can say, “God created two people, Adam and Eve, and all people are descended from them! After the flood, people gathered in rebellion against God, and he judged their sin by dividing the languages, scattering people around the world. This isolated people and the human gene pool, and soon people groups, with minor physical variations (differences) arose. But all people are one race, descended from Adam and Eve.” You just used Creation and Confusion to teach biblical anthropology.

See how powerful an understanding of this foundational history can be? It really is a wonderful teaching tool (and one we’re excited to help schools, churches, and homeschools teach children with our upcoming Mrs. C & Me: Journey Through the 7 C’s of History, K–2nd grade curriculum).

Now for the Exciting Announcement!

I’ve been teaching these C’s for years—and families have been learning them as they tour our Creation Museum—and I’m excited to announce that these 7 C’s are related to the big announcement our Answers VBS team recently made about our 2024 Vacation Bible School (VBS) theme.

Our 2024 Answers VBS is The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation. Yes, this epic jungle cruise will be teaching kids this foundational history (the 7 C’s), helping them properly interpret the world around us and understand the gospel message.

The Great Jungle Journey will equip children with answers to many of the skeptical questions of today like:

  • Did God really create everything?
  • Why do bad things happen?
  • Was Noah’s ark real?
  • Why do I need to be saved?
  • Can I trust the Bible?
Children will discover how the events given in those early chapters of Genesis (Creation–Confusion) shape our world, how the Bible connects with everyday life, and how the gospel is the good news every person needs.

As they discover the 7 C’s of History while on a jungle cruise amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, children will discover how the events given in those early chapters of Genesis (Creation–Confusion) shape our world, how the Bible connects with everyday life, and how the gospel is the good news every person needs.

Actually, the first 4 C’s give children the foundation to begin to truly understand the saving gospel message.

The Great Jungle Journey is now available for preorder, and if you use code VBS24B, you’ll save 25% now through January 10, 2024. I encourage you to host this exciting and very relevant VBS at your church next summer.


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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