What’s the Connection Between Famous Preacher Martyn Lloyd Jones and AiG?

by Ken Ham on December 17, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

My favorite preacher was Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a wonderful expositional preacher in England and Wales in the twentieth century. He loved God’s Word and was bold and challenging to both the church and to its leaders. What an example for us today in this time of increasing compromise on the truth of Scripture!

Now, why do I mention Dr. Lloyd-Jones? Well, a group called The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust just celebrated their 10-year anniversary. This trust makes Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ powerful sermons freely available, and in 10 years, they’ve had 20 million downloads! They recently interviewed me for my thoughts on his preaching and his legacy. I’ll provide an excerpt below, but I encourage you to read the interview in full on their website.

My father loved Dr Lloyd-Jones’ stance on biblical authority and said that Christians should always start with Scripture instead of bringing ideas into it from outside and then reinterpreting it, which is what many church leaders are unfortunately doing today. Many people misunderstand ‘Answers In Genesis’ and assume that we’re just young-Earth creationists when in fact we are actually a ministry about the authority of the Bible and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What I love about Martyn Lloyd-Jones is the way he not only exegetes Scripture but teaches Scripture from a biblical perspective with the emphasis on biblical authority and not compromising with man’s fallible ideas. His sermons from over 60 years ago talked about problems in the church that we’re still seeing today.

I also love the way he applied his sermons to culture. A lot of pastors today just speak from the Bible within the Bible. Sermons are often much shallower and more watered down, and many churches have resorted to music being a larger part of the service as a result. For Dr Lloyd-Jones, the teaching of the Word was the priority, and he applied it to the culture he was speaking to, dealing with cultural and church issues in his sermons.

The doctor was bold and challenging to both the church and its leaders. And we need to be too.

Again, you can read the full interview on the Martyn Lloyd-Jones website.

But there’s another tie-in to Dr. Lloyd-Jones, other than my enjoying and respecting his preaching. Our new Executive CEO—Martyn Iles—is named after this same preacher! Like my father, his parents loved Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ preaching and named Martyn after this great Christian man. And now, like his namesake, Martyn emphasizes the authority and truth of God’s Word in his powerful speaking.

We’re focused on the authority of God’s Word in all areas

You know, we’ve always been a ministry about the authority of God’s Word. As I shared in the interview above, AiG isn’t primarily about the age of the earth or even creation. We’re focused on the authority of God’s Word in all areas—that’s why we not only talk about science but also apply Genesis to the cultural and social issues of our day such as LGBTQ, abortion, racism, climate change, and more. It’s all about the authority of the Word of God!

With Martyn Iles joining our ministry as Executive CEO (don’t worry, I’m not retiring: I’m still Founder CEO), we will continue this emphasis and vision into the future. And if you’d like to partner with us on this crucial mission, consider giving toward our end-of-year campaign. All gifts are doubled, thanks to a generous matching offer from a family foundation, up to $8 million through the end of the year. You can learn more about the exciting projects we’re fundraising for on our donate page.

I’m thankful that as this ministry moves into the future (this month we celebrate 30 years!), we will continue to do what the Lord has called us to do: stand uncompromisingly on the Word of God, from the very first verse, and equip the church with answers.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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