Experience ChristmasTown and ChristmasTime Through Heartwarming Family Videos

by Ken Ham on December 20, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I love visiting the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum during our Christmas programs and seeing families making special memories together as they enjoy the breathtaking lights, the dramas, the music, and so much more. It’s just a really special time of year, and it’s wonderful to see families (many of whom are unsaved) enjoying a Christ-centered event together. And you can enjoy a sample of what it’s like to tour these attractions as a family with two cute videos our social media team put together.

The first video is from our Creation Museum YouTube channel and features AiG writer and speaker, Rob Webb (aka “Rocket Rob”) with his wife, Abby, and three children touring ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum.

The second video is of the Schu family (you may know them from the Answers TV show Schus Off!), Trevor and Avery (Foley) and their five children (number five is due in a few months), experiencing ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter.

Make sure you and your family don’t miss experiencing the joy of Christmas with us at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter (both are unique experiences, so be sure to make plans to come to both). Admission is free, you just pay for parking (which is discounted after 4 p.m.). Our Christmas programs continue select days through December 30. Check our websites for dates, times, and schedules.

Go to ArkEncounter.com/Christmas and CreationMuseum.org/Christmas.

Oh, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channels, including the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter channels, to ensure you don’t miss any of the wonderful content our social media team works hard to produce.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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