What Christian College Can I Send My Teen To?

by Ken Ham

One of the most-asked questions I receive from parents, especially when I’m out conducting speaking ministry or meeting people at the Creation Museum, concerns whether there are any Christian colleges, universities, or seminaries that take the same stand we do at Answers in Genesis on the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse. Many students also ask me the same question as they consider where they will attend college.

So let me ask you: Where will you invest your college years? Your answer could play a huge part in shaping your career, your family, and your faith! Sadly, many parents send their kids off to Christian colleges thinking that these schools will strengthen their kids’ faith. But many are bitterly disappointed when their child comes back from school doubting God’s Word and the Christian faith because their Christian school refused to take a stand on the authority of God’s Word and answer questions without compromise.

Well, Answers in Genesis has resources to help young people (and their parents) with the upcoming college years. In addition to our annual College Expo weekend for students thinking about attending a Christian college we have just updated our special CreationColleges.org web site. It helps young people (and parents) narrow the overwhelming process of choosing a college even more.

Our team of researchers and web designers has just updated and redesigned all the information there, due to the release of my new book, Ready to Return. Many thousands of families who have read my previous books, Already Gone and Already Compromised, have used our college website because they are searching to better understand the actual teachings of the colleges and seminaries that they are investing in—both time and money. Now, to be listed on the Creation College web site, each school has to go through an even more thorough review process than before. Every school’s president has signed a core document called the Tenets of Creation that affirms their commitment to true biblical authority. And each school has the opportunity to show its depth of commitment by also getting signatures from the Dean of Students, Bible Department Chair, and Science Department Chair. That is no small matter!

Here are some of the new features of the updated site:

  • Each listed institution has been re-qualified, and is updated with the most current information.
  • Each institution now lists which individuals (President, VP, Bible Chair, Science Chair) agree with the .
  • The pages are now mobile responsive and look great on all major smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.
  • Each school's accreditation status is now noted (we are adding more as they are made known to us).
  • Schools that help to sponsor the site at either the “Gold Sponsor” or “Silver Sponsor” level are encouraged to include a link to their own website, their statement of faith, and to email the institution directly.

Dozens of qualified, non-sponsor schools are also listed.

Nearly 40 schools have already qualified for the site. But you may be surprised by some of the popular institutions that have not yet qualified to be listed! Help us get the word out, and encourage your alma mater to attempt to get listed. Visit CreationColleges.org.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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