Are You Registered for Gospel Reset at Niagara Falls?

by Ken Ham on August 20, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The gospel message never changes, and God’s Word doesn’t change. The gospel is the same for every person, every generation, and every culture. But how we present the gospel (i.e., our methodology) will change, depending on the culture or person we’re sharing the gospel with. And today, in the United States, Canada, and throughout the West, when we’re sharing the gospel, it’s likely it will be with someone who has a very secularized worldview. Today, most people know little to nothing of God, the Bible, Jesus, sin, and more. And so many have been indoctrinated against even considering the Bible as a book that can be trusted. That’s why we need a “gospel reset.”

I am heading to Niagara Falls (the Canadian side, which is highly scenic) for our Gospel Reset Mega Conference, November 21–23. I’ll be sharing about the relevance of Genesis and how vital thinking foundationally is, especially in our modern era. I’ll also be talking about how to reach today’s culture with the gospel, and the importance of biblical authority.

Together, we’ll provide you with tools to reach your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and strangers with the gospel message, as well as give you answers to the common questions of our day.

I’ll be joined by AiG’s Dr. Georgia Purdom, a molecular geneticist, and director of AiG-Canada, Calvin Smith, along with evangelist Cory McKenna of The Cross Current. Together, we’ll provide you with tools to reach your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and strangers with the gospel message, as well as give you answers to the common questions of our day.

This is a wonderful opportunity to see an iconic and spectacular Canadian and US site, Niagara Falls, while you enjoy three days of faith-building and equipping teaching. Register today on the events page of our website to secure your spot.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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