“We Read Your Book Dinosaurs of Eden  . . . by the End . . . He Was on His Knees”

by Ken Ham on August 21, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Since AiG’s beginning 25 years ago (and really, the beginning of an apologetics ministry in our house in Australia 42 years ago), our focus has always been on biblical authority and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s always been our ultimate focus, and it always will be. It’s clear in all our materials from our website, books, DVDs, and curricula we produce to the exhibits at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.

I recently heard from a mother thanking me for the impact our gospel-centered resources have had on her family, particularly her young son who surrendered his life to Christ after reading Dinosaurs of Eden, one of the children’s books I have written.

Dinosaurs of Eden

This mom writes,

Dear Ken,

For several years now it has been on my heart to thank you for your faithfulness in boldly proclaiming the truth. Our family has been greatly impacted by your ministry in many ways but one in particular I am compelled to share.

We have four children who have heard the gospel since birth. When our son, K, was seven years old, we read your book Dinosaurs of Eden—it was like watching a lightbulb switch on in him. Suddenly it all made sense to him and by the end of the book he was on his knees, surrendering his heart to Jesus!

The Holy Spirit used this book to bring understanding, conviction, repentance, and trust. What deep joy to witness! I cannot thank you enough for this gift that so clearly articulates God’s great plan of redemption.

Ever since that day, K has desired to be baptized, and this past weekend he had that opportunity. I am enclosing a copy of his testimony he wrote to encourage the body of Christ and to proclaim God’s glory so that you too may be encouraged.

Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Here is K’s testimony:

My name is K. I am almost 13-years-old. I am thankful God has put me in a Christian home where I have heard the gospel all my life. When I was seven years old, my mom read a book to me called Dinosaurs of Eden by Ken Ham. This book really impacted me because it helped me to understand God’s plan for the world and how lost we are without him. I began to see how my sin separates me from God and I knew I didn’t want to live that way.

Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” So I confessed my sin that day and asked Jesus to be Lord of my life.

Since then, I am being constantly changed by his love. He has given me the desire to read his Word and that is helping me to grow in my relationship with him.

He is giving me the desire to honor him with my life and to share the gospel with others.

Today I want to publicly declare that I want to follow Christ.

We love hearing from individuals and families who have been impacted for eternity because God has chosen to use this ministry in such a powerful way. All the glory goes to God and his Son for the fruit we’ve seen over all these years! This is what the ministry is all about!

Find resources such as Dinosaurs of Eden, and other gospel-centered books, DVDs, and more, for all ages, at AnswersBookstore.com.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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