51% of Young Americans Think the World’s Ending from Climate Change

by Ken Ham on November 17, 2019
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Is our world on the precipice of doom? Well, over half of young people in America say “yes,” believing humanity’s future is in imminent danger due to climate change. According to a recent survey, 29% of all American voters believe it is “at least somewhat likely that the earth will become uninhabitable and humanity will be wiped out” within the next 15 years. And when you filter those results for age, just over half of voters under 35 believe this.

This doom-and-gloom outlook has real-life consequences in how people live their lives, vote, and make decisions, including when and if to have children.

This doom-and-gloom outlook has real-life consequences in how people live their lives, vote, and make decisions, including when and if to have children. “Birth strikers” are increasing in number as young people fear to have children with the threat of climate change, climate refugees, famine, and drought breathing down their backs. But is this panic warranted?

Dr. Alan White recently spoke on this topic at our Creation Museum. His talk was broadcast live over YouTube as part of our Creation Museum Live! livestream series (airing every Thursday at 12 noon ET). I encourage you to watch it and equip yourself to think biblically and critically about this issue:

Special Conference Tackling Climate Change

Climate change is such a massive issue, especially for young people, that we’re hosting a special conference this spring to tackle the question.

Climate change is such a massive issue, especially for young people, that we’re hosting a special conference this spring to tackle the question. Taking place the week of Easter (April 9–12), and culminating in a moving sunrise service Easter morning, this conference will look at physical and spiritual climate change. You’ll be equipped with answers to combat the panic sweeping through our culture, pointing people toward the hope of the gospel and a perspective on supposed man-made climate change the mainstream media won’t give you!

I urge you to make plans to attend this conference. Bring your teenagers, college students, and other young people—they especially need to hear the truth on both physical and spiritual climate change that will be presented by Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance, Ray Comfort of Living Waters, me, and many others. Register today.

And remember: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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