Help Make Mason, OH, a Sanctuary City

by Ken Ham on October 20, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Here at Answers in Genesis, we are pro-life because we start with God’s Word—which teaches us that we’re “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) by our Creator, in his very image (Genesis 1:27). Based on God’s Word, we understand abortion (at any stage of development right from fertilization) is taking the life of a human being and is murder. We know many of our supporters are equally passionate about life—and a staff member brought to my attention a way supporters in the Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana area can be involved in standing for life.

According to reports from AiG staff members, the city of Mason, Ohio (a city not too far from where we’re located in Northern Kentucky), is voting on Monday, October 25, to potentially make Mason a Sanctuary City for the unborn. This would mean no abortion clinics would be allowed to be built within the city limits—a measure that could save lives and makes a statement to the nation regarding the sanctity of human life and the immorality of abortion. Now, what can you do?

You can attend the meeting! You do not need to be a Mason city resident to show up for the meeting or to address the council for three minutes—anyone can come and show their support for the measure. So supporters of the Sanctuary City are urging pro-life individuals to come to Mason and show up in support of this measure to protect the unborn in Ohio. The more pro-life people packing out the city council building, the better!

The opposition to the measure is reportedly bringing in people from out of town to “create a ruckus and try and stop it.” According to a local pro-life supporter who was there to witness the meetings last week, here’s what these pro-murder advocates are doing:

The “opposition” is very savvy and organized when it comes to making a presence. They crowd the City building doors before they open and make sure they are in line to sign the sign-up sheet to speak then get into the Council Chambers and take the front rows. They were disruptive and rude the entire night. We would not retaliate or repeat that behavior but what we can do is speak our beliefs passionately yet with respect.

She adds:

The actual wording and intent of the ordinance is not about whether abortion is right or wrong but rather whether an abortion clinic should be prohibited to operate in Mason. We make the appeal to Council that because abortion is taking a human life created by God, an establishment that destroys life should not be allowed to come into the City. Our goals are 1) to persuade Council to make the right decision and 2) be a witness to those watching on livestream and attending in the gallery.

If you are able to attend, supporters are asking you to arrive early so you are able to get a seat in the actual council chambers instead of the overflow room, which increases your chances of getting your name near the top of the sign-up sheet to be able to speak for three minutes before the council.

We’re in a spiritual battle and prayer is desperately needed as those who honor God seek to save as many lives as possible.

Of course, regardless of whether or not you are able to attend, please pray that the city will recognize the value of all life and vote to protect unborn life in Mason, Ohio. We’re in a spiritual battle, and prayer is desperately needed as those who honor God seek to save as many lives as possible.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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